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Michaela Coel, a Libra.
Photo: from The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

As the dust settles from yesterday's solar eclipse, Jupiter steps into the picture today to give you some courage and optimism moving forward. The worst thing you could do at this moment would be to make decisions out of fear. No matter how confusing or bleak the picture seems from here, trust that you have more options available to you than you think. Your task now is not to give up prematurely.

Sometimes you feel lonely even when you are surrounded by people who care about you. What you long for in these moments is not love, but someone who will actually do it receives You, who can exchange ideas with you, who sees the best sides of you. In these moments, you may tell yourself that you are fine and that it isn't really the case need be understood on a deeper level. But today, stop trying to talk yourself out of what you really want. You don't have to settle for less: you deserve the real thing.

Even if You You know very well that you are wonderful and that you deserve a happy life. That doesn't mean the others Always treat yourself like that. Maybe they have bad intentions; maybe they are just thoughtless. Whatever the case, it stresses you out when your needs are ignored. Sometimes you have to grin and bear it, but today there is no reason to tolerate bad treatment. Prioritize the people who treat you like you matter. The rest is not worth your time.

Most of the time, your keen eye for detail will serve you well, helping you identify potential problems early and identify opportunities that others may not. However, sometimes you end up paying to Pay a lot of attention to the little things and don't stress about things that don't matter. Today, remember that you don’t have to have solutions ready for every eventuality. Trust that you can handle any problems you encounter and you will likely find it to be true.

Today, you may feel pressure—whether from others or from yourself—to take action on the emotions swirling within you. You're tired of brooding and longing; you want Do something. But it's important not to rush yourself unnecessarily. If you're not entirely sure what your next step should be, remember that it's not time to take one yet. Take it slow and let yourself dream without worrying about the practical implications. Once you stop forcing yourself to move, a clear path may appear.

With your warmth and generosity, you are great at charming people and drawing them to your side. Their friendship makes the world seem exciting and full of possibilities; When you believe in people, it becomes easier for them to believe in themselves. So if you need a boost today, reach out to the people around you. It can be difficult to be the one asking for help instead of offering it, but try it anyway. You will be surprised how many people support you.

You're not necessarily a rule follower by nature, but you still often see the value in doing things the way they're “supposed” to be done. Sometimes doing what is expected of you will prevent conflict in your personal relationships. In other cases, it simply saves you the work of having to reinvent the wheel. These days, you may find that sticking to tradition only leaves you feeling trapped. Having the courage to break convention may be the only way to find the satisfaction you've been looking for.

You haven't necessarily been focused on expanding your life lately. It's enough work to maintain what you have. Bold moves come with risks, and lately it can happen – understandably! – seem unwise to take unnecessary risks. But remember today that growth doesn't have to be dramatic. You can now assert yourself in situations where you would normally shy away and ask questions where you would normally just accept the way things are. The little moments of courage will eventually add up.

It can feel like you spend your entire life pondering the same few questions, picking at the same scabs, and learning from the same mistakes over and over again. It's partly true: it takes time and repetition for most lessons to take hold, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. If you've been thinking about a particular problem lately or pondering a seemingly unanswerable question in your life, you might finally experience a breakthrough today. Things you have known intellectually might finally come to fruition in a way that is possible for you feel.

Part of you thinks you should be completely independent. When you come to a crossroads, know that it is up to you to choose a path; While you may find it difficult to know exactly what you want in life, also understand that no one else can figure it out for you. Remember today that this doesn't mean you can't rely on anyone. Tell your friends what problems you are facing, what you long for, what you are torn about. They can't do all the work for you, but they can help.

When you're preoccupied with your long-term goals, it's easy to become impatient. Building a solid foundation is crucial, but it won't immediately lead to the praise and fame you dream of. These days it's important to take it slow and trust that even the smallest steps will lead to something important. Don't try to skip the boring parts. The best thing you can do now is find joy in the process.

Your strong personal code of ethics is one of the best things about you: it helps you make informed decisions consistent with your values ​​and not be influenced by passing moods or short-lived trends. However, sometimes that makes you hard on other people – and even harder on yourself. If you worry too much about getting out of line, it becomes impossible to explore and make mistakes, and it becomes impossible to complete anything to do live. Today, take a risk, try something new creatively, and put your heart on the line. If it doesn't work, you have the option to fix it.

They tend to be good at reading other people's unspoken moods and desires, no matter how hard they try to hide them. But even you are not a mind reader; You can't know secure what goes on in another person's head unless they tell you. Nowadays, you'll probably be disturbed if you feel like there's a secret or problem that someone isn't telling you about, but trying to draw conclusions based on limited information will only make you feel worse feel. It's much better to ask – even if you're afraid of the answer you might get – than to wonder.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay's book, Madame Clairevoyant's Guide to the Stars, Here.

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